I've been thinking about Jesus and his title 'The Word of God', for a while now...here's some notes. I was first introduced to this as a serious angle of study and major theme of the New Testament ( rather than a nice verse in John 1 ) when I read 'Prayer' by a German theologan named Hans Urs von Balthasar. http://www.amazon.com/Prayer-Hans-Urs-von-Balthasar/dp/0898700744 This is probably as difficult a book as I've ever read - but it was transformative for me in a variety of ways. I need to go back and find a copy and see if it stands up after 10 years. Jesus is represented in scripture as the Word of God - a title that needs to be understood 'as the scripture says', not from the definition our church culture has put on it. Good evangelical protestant types tend to worship the Bible like it's part of the trinity (usually replacing Holy Spirit). When we say 'The Word of God' we usually are referring to the Bible. Now, the Bible...